
Hardened wood

Many times stronger than traditional wood flooring

Install a beautiful and durable hardened wood floor with Bjelin. Our floors are produced using a patented technology that makes the wood much stronger and more durable than standard alternatives.

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Woodura Herringbone KILA 2.0

Woodura Herringbone ERVALLA 2.0

Woodura Herringbone SKEDVI 2.0

Woodura Planks HYLTA 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks GRYTET 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks RYA 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks IMMELN 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks DALSHULT 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks ESARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks VENESTAD 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks NOSABY 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks VISTORP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks TOLLARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks GANTOFTA 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks SMEDSTORP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks GULLARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks LUGNET 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks STARBY 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks GRYBY 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks LOSHULT 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks NORRLIA 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks ONSLUNDA 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks SKIVARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks STEHAG 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks DALBY 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks HASSLARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks KVARNBY 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks VENESTAD 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks NOSABY 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks GRYBY 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks VISTORP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks LOSHULT 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks NORRLIA 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks ESARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks TOLLARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks GANTOFTA 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks VALLBY 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks HUMLARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks SMEDSTORP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks GULLARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks LUGNET 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks STARBY 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks ONSLUNDA 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks STEHAG 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks DALBY 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks HASSLARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks LINDBY 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks TULLSTORP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks EKEBORG 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks BONNARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks VIARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks HÖJA 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks EKET 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks HAGSTAD 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks EKERED 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks HARADAL 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks GREVIE 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks LARVIK 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks VEJBY 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks LYA 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks HAGSTAD 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks EKERED 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks HARADAL 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks GREVIE 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks LINDBY 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks TULLSTORP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks EKEBORG 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks BONNARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks VIKEN 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks HITTARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks MAGNARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks ALLARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks MÖLLE 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks SKARSHULT 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks BOSARP 3.0 XL

Woodura Planks VIKEN 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks HITTARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks MAGNARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks ALLARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks MÖLLE 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks SKARSHULT 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks BOSARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks VENESTAD 3.0 L

Woodura Planks STEHAG 3.0 L

Woodura Planks YXENHULT 3.0 S

Woodura Planks BOHULT 3.0 S

Woodura Planks DALEN 3.0 S

Woodura Planks STENINGE 3.0 S

Woodura Planks SKOGEN 3.0 S

Woodura Planks YXENHULT 3.0 M

Woodura Planks BOHULT 3.0 M

Woodura Planks DALEN 3.0 M

Woodura Planks STENINGE 3.0 M

Woodura Planks SKOGEN 3.0 M

Woodura Planks GRYBY 3.0 L

Woodura Planks VISTORP 3.0 L

Woodura Planks LOSHULT 3.0 L

Woodura Planks NORRLIA 3.0 L

Woodura Planks GANTOFTA 3.0 L

Woodura Planks DALBY 3.0 L

Woodura Planks HASSLARP 3.0 L

Woodura Planks KVARNBY 3.0 L

Woodura Planks VEJBY 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks LYA 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks VIARP 3.0 XXL

Woodura Planks HÖJA 3.0 XXL

Hardened oak VIKEN 2.0